Adding Health & Wellness to Your Hawaii Incentive Program!
As a DMC in Hawaii, we are fortunate to live and work in “paradise.” When we are not hard at work event planning, creating exciting activities, and managing arrivals & departure manifests, we too are enjoying the health benefits of Hawaii. Not only does Hawaii offer an exotic destination within the US, it also offers unique and diverse health and wellness opportunities.
For many high achievers, being part of an incentive program that includes a winner’s trip to Hawaii means working hard to reach corporate targets. Some may miss meals, family time, daylight, and exercise - all in pursuit of the amazing incentive trip! But missing these things takes a toll on one’s health. Why not use your incentive trip to help your guests re-connect with a healthy lifestyle?
The key to enjoying one’s health is partially based on customizing experiences to the individual. Make it a fun and experiential part of their lives, and they will embrace it!
Island Events Recommends These Health & Wellness HINTs:
Time: offer your attendees a commitment of time and facilities on the incentive trip to be healthier and active right here in Hawaii!
Diversity: Offer all types of exercise and offer some ways for guests to rejuvenate such as yoga or meditation classes - maybe on the beach at sunrise.
Create a daily FUN and FREE exercise option. Offer this for all attendees and make them fun! Vary the exercise level and intensity so everyone can find an appropriate, enjoyable option. Offer exclusive group activities such as Kayaking and individual activities such as personal trainers & fitness evaluations with certified trainers.
Check in with the Resort: your host resort may already have some wonderful on property options for you - if not, let us know and we can create some!